Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Night in Our New Home

Well everything went well at the housing office and we were able to get the keys and move in right away! We were both ecstatic as we are not only excited to be in our beautiful new home, but we are both a little weary of living in limbo...he in barracks for the last 11 months, and me in our home alone those 11 months and then with family these last few weeks.

Putting together the futon...thanks Rutty and Gray for your help! :)
It was a crazy busy night tonight finishing all the paperwork at the housing office, packing up Greg's barrack room and all my stuff and the things I shipped him, shopping for and transporting the futon, picking up Ranger from the boarding kennel, hauling all our stuff over in taxi cabs and getting it all upstairs. In the end all the craziness was well worth it...especially to be out of the barracks and be in our own place!

Peaceful togetherness.
We both slept well and feel quite at home here, which is always a good thing. It is pretty warm, even at night, and especially with the humidity, so we positioned the futon directly under the AC unit in the living room, cozied up in the down comforter, snuggled close together and slept like babies. I can't even tell you how wonderful it is to be in our new home together and have our fur babies with us. All the stress and frenzied going-ons over the last few weeks were completely worth it. The feeling of peace and contentment is priceless. I feel like the luckiest and most rich women in the world...I have all I need right here, right now and even though I may miss the states and my family and friends there, being here and being a whole family again feels pretty magical.

City lights at night.

Beautiful morning view.

Our "finds." 
We woke up and didn't have much in the way of breakfast food, so we decided to venture out to the Korean market on the corner and see what we could scrounge up. We were pleasantly surprised at the options available and the quality of the items! Some very American options and some very Korean options, with a nice variety of breakfast, lunch, dinner and cooking/baking supplies. Albeit everything was in Korean, we could still easily enough figure out what was what. We kept it fairly simple with our choices, but were pleased none the less with the ready convenience of such a great little store right by our home! Yay for the simple pleasures in life! lol.

One of many trips with far too much stuff! lol.
After breakfast, we unpacked and organized the things we had packed, shipped, brought with us and squired...all in all, with the things I brought and sent and the things he had from living in his barracks here, we have most the necessities and ahould be able to live without much inconvenience until our household goods get here in a couple months. And we will get temporary furniture early next week, so that will help too. Again, as long as we have the basics, we will be just fine and have loved with a lot less before. Besides, it's always fun to challenge ourselves and find new ways to do things without all our normal conveniences...that's all part of the adventure of living in a foreign country, right? :)

We then headed to the commissary and picked up some more groceries and also a few things at the PX and a few more things from Greg's room. It was all a little hectic since we are having to take taxi cabs everywhere, but all in all, we made it around and back home again. Moving always has its stressful moments, but we don't mind and just laugh at the funny moments and focus on the happiness of being together again.

Happy little family.

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