Thursday, August 23, 2012

Finding Our Home

Even though I only arrived in country yesterday, thanks to my hubby getting everything set up and pre-organized, we were able to do a walk through on a potential apartment for rent. Greg and his sergeant met with the realtor last week and looked at a few different places around town. He decided on the best one and set up for us to do a walk through/inspection today and if the inspection went well, he also set up an appointment with housing to finalize paperwork and sign the lease. I am super excited and very grateful  for all his forethought in getting everything set up! Less time waiting around and being in limbo, is always ideal!

The living room and sunroom/balcony.
 The walk-through went well for the most part. The realtor, landlady, building superintendent and the Army housing rep were all there and speaking a million miles an hour in Korean. A few minor issues were found, but nothing that couldn't be fixed or dealt with in a timely manner. The apartment is beautiful! It is very large, almost 1700 square feet and is very open, bright, well laid out, has beautiful craftsmanship and character and a nice view. It is also in a good part of town and close to all the Army posts here in Daegu, which makes it safe and convenient.

The spacious kitchen!
As a military family living off post in Korea, there are generally three types of houses you can chose from...the first is just that, house or bungalow that is usually one story and is a self standing structure with a small yard of sorts. The second is a "villa" and that is usually similar to a "flat" type apartment you would find in most large cities; your apartment usually takes up the whole floor and the building is generally no more than 6 stories tall. The third option (and what we have) is what they call high-rise apartments. These buildings are usually anywhere from 15-20 stories tall and have multiple buildings in the complex and usually there is only two apartments, per building, per floor. These are nice because they have elevators, have covered/garage parking, lots of courtyard areas and still offer the feeling of seclusion and privacy since you only have one neighbor on the same floor as you. Our building is very nice and is well taken care of.

The dining room.
Honestly, the whole place, inside and out is beautiful. In the states, and in any large city, an apartment like this would most likely cost a few thousand dollars a month, plus utilities. That being said, there is no way we would pay to be in a place like this if we were stateside. Korea is a lot different though, especially if you are military. The realtors and landlords really want to work with you and offer great locations, great apartments and great rates. And of course housing pay from the military generally takes care of the cost of rent and utilities, and if you are savvy with your utility usage, there is the likelihood of putting away some of that money. 

Master bedroom.
As I said, it is close to 1700 square feet, has a mud/entry room, two full baths, 4 bedrooms, a dining room, large modern kitchen, living room, sunroom and laundry/utility room. Everything is very nice, very modern and there are a ton of nice amenities throughout the whole house. So all in all we are getting a beautiful home, at a great price! We are very happy and feel so very blessed with how all this has come together! I'd say the Lord had His hand in all this, as usual and my hubby did a great job picking this place out all on his own! Yay! So super excited to have our own place...and such a beautiful one at that! 

Gorgeous sunroom/balcony.

When waiting for our CS to be approved, I kept telling people that as long as Greg and I are together, I would happily live in a shoe box. And I know in the bottom of my heart, that is completely doesn't matter where we are or what type of place we have, happiness is being with your best friend and we can make a home together in any circumstances. That being said, I will most definitely not argue with living in such a nice apartment! (hehehe) I am very happy and very blessed that we got such a beautiful place and that we are able to move in so quickly. God is good and really does work all things out! :)
Part of the utility room (this is only half, it is twice this size)

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